
I’m Lauren. I’m a mom. I write (for real). I sing (for fun… mostly in my car where I’m awesome. Ask the people around me at the stoplights). I dance (my child makes me). I play games. I have 3 degrees, most are in psychology.

  1. Your book looks interesting, I will check it out! I also wrote a book, but it’s still in the editing phase. Thanks for liking my blog “Hello World! I’m Back.” I followed you and look forward to reading your posts!


  2. Thanks very much for the like! 🙂


  3. Just so you know, I’m not allowed to play with Psychiatrists, Psychologists and those of the Divinity persuasion I break them. 😉


  4. Thanks for your “like” of today. Looking forwarded to reading more of yours:) ps: I published a book on Createspace too. Nice to find we share them in common. An experience in itself! Blessings, and again, thanks for the “like!”


  5. good blog and short and to the point


  6. Thank yo so much for stopping by my blog. 😀
    cate b


  7. Hello Laura!
    I find your blog posts honest and interesting. They do give readers better insight on life and relationships. If you have the time, do check out my blog on books and quotes. http://bookquotemonster.wordpress.com Cheers! – Marcus


  8. Lauren,

    amazingly funny introduction – I enjoyed reading your post!

    Do visit my recent posts when you get time.

    Take a good care.



  9. Thanks for liking my post! I’m a new blogger and hope to stick with it. I also love singing where I’m awesome (car…. shower…)


  10. hahaha…can totally relate to this “I sing (for fun… mostly in my car where I’m awesome.” 😀


  11. Love your articles! Will definitely be back cause you never know where inspiration might pop up! Thanks also for stopping by my new blog as I hope you will “eventually” find something inspirational for you as well! God bless you richly!


  12. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray


  13. Hi, Lauren. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a like! Elouise


  14. Thank you ever so much for reading a post on Shadows and liking a recent post. Bless you!


  15. Geraint Isitt

    Great intro. Great blog too. I see pretty much anywhere I know people won’t want to hear me. Their punishment for not being me I suppose. Lol.


  16. Hi Lauren, thanks for liking my post. I like your blog!


  17. Cameron Von St James

    Hi Lauren! I hope you are well. I came across your blog today and had a question that I was hoping you could email me about it. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! 🙂


  18. Allow me to reiterate what you might have heard so many times- the picture of you and your child is adorable!
    As for the blog, it already has my attention. Hoping to read, and learn, from you.

    Have a good day!


  19. Enjoying your blog – thank you so much for dropping by mumhowmuchlonger.com !


  20. Bravo Laurenc I love your style! Thanks for dropping by!! Have a good day. 🙂


  21. Hi Lauren. I love your about me bio. I never put one on my blog because I guess I didn’t want it to sound proud. I have one written but never published it…dunno… Anyway you have some interesting stuff on your blog. Bless your heart you have been through it, but you are a survivor as I see it. Thank you for liking my post They All Came Home.


    • The odds and ends page actually has more about me. I just wanted to put something on here when I first started the blog and I wanted it to be short. So this is how it ended up! 🙂 You should publish yours! Why not?


  22. Thank you for liking my post! I hope you enjoy the meditations!


  23. Thanks for visiting my blog. You seem to have a lot of joy in your life!


  24. Just nominated you for a ‘beautiful blogger award’! If you want to take part, go to http://wordsthatserve.wordpress.com/2012/11/10/what-you-didnt-yet-know-about-me/ and no worries if not. Just know that you’re appreciated:-)


  25. Thanks for liking and stopping by my blog, I really appreciate it! 🙂

    Glad to see you’re a writer too! Great blog you’ve got here, I’ll be sure to follow! 🙂


  26. Lauren –

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Catalyst Quotes, and liking it.
    Wait a minute, I thought I was the only awesome singer in the car!
    Nonetheless, I enjoyed taking a look at your blog and will continue to check it out.


  27. I just nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award!


  28. For my lovely fellow in the field of human mind studies, here’s an award nomination for One Lovely Blog Award –


  29. I nominated your blog for the new Reality Blog Award! Congratulations! This is a “no rules Award” and you can find the details here at http://nettrobbens.com/2012/10/10/happy-dancing-reality-blog-award/. Decide what you would like to do based on time and other considerations as there are no rules.


  30. Hello
    I really like all that you share on your blog and would like to offer my respect by nominating you for a Reader Appreciation Award.
    If you don’t have the time to complete it that’s fine – just wanted to let you know that I find you inspiring.


  31. Lauren, thanks for sharing and joining me in my journey. I am nominating you for “Lovely Blogger Award” http://emotionalmommie.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/someone-thought-of-me-my-first-award/



  32. Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my blog post! You are fascinating, and I look forward to reading more about you and your posts!!


  33. Lauren – very nice about page…but that’s not the only reason I’m commenting. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Have a great day!
    Follow this link to learn more: : http://wp.me/p24LWs-6l
    oh, and if you don’t know how to claim the award, like I didn’t, you can follow the link I have attached to the link above…and be sure to attach the award to your blog to let people know just how awesome your blog is, not just how awesome your singing is.Enjoy!


  34. Lauren..I have nominated you for the Commentator Award Diane should you wish you can see the details at http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/humility-tested/


  35. Singing in the car! Yes you are awesome! What sheer joy there is to be had belting out hits whilst driving along. Arm dancing is the next step.


  36. Thanks for liking my latest post! Your blog is lovely.


  37. Writing in your car! I am so impressed! And thanks for stopping by my blog! It led me to yours and some interesting reading!


  38. Thanks for liking my blog post – it led me to your blog.

    Happy blogging 🙂



  39. I just want to say your blog is so uplifting! What you write is so insightful and interesting. And I’m very impressed and in awe of your 3 degrees (especially in phychology, as it’s extremely interesting, I think), I’m currently 33% through my first degree ha!
    Thank you for liking my poem, too. I’m glad I subsequently found your blog!


  40. Thank you for the like on ‘The Skull’ !


  41. dear Laurence, I wanted to say thank you for a while for your liking but more for your reading my post! It is so wonderful to have someone paying attention to what you want to share and who somehow understands what it is you have to say.
    I wish you the best luck on you book and hope you will continue blogging.


  42. Your blog is amazing. i nominated it for the very inspiring blogger award. 🙂

    A nomination in my first month here! Really?


  43. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post!


  44. Hi there , I’m just a teenager and you liking my post is awesome! and thank you 🙂 never thought that someone like you mam, will give time to read my post. Thank you very much 🙂


    • I used to counsel teenagers and I like to pay attention to what people in that age group are doing… and technically I started this year in my 20s. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and keep writing!


  45. Thanks for the like on my post “The Calm Before the Storm,” I appreciate it.


  46. I’m not sure if my comment got submitted… WordPress went a little haywire when I attempted to post it… but it was a good one! LOL


  47. Thank you very much for the visit!


  48. Lauren (Ann with an E)… thanks for checking out my brain leaks and musings (blog). I suspect we could have some loooongggg exchanges about “self-worth.” One of my greatest frustrations with the “self esteem movement” is the sense that it is somehow granted or dispensed and not earned. One of my more amusing conversations was with an alcoholic who was quite excited when he discovered he drank because he had low self-esteem. Of course he also noted that his “drinking problem” and the results were the reason he had self-esteem issues. He did, however, learn to convince a number of people that they needed to not criticize his drinking or resulting behavior because that was, afterall, why he continues to drink.

    Didn’t Ben Franklin say, “Ignorance is its own defense?”

    Congrats on the book… keep writing!


    • Haha, that’s very true. I think lots of people state that because they have low self-esteem then they are this way or that and they do this or that, and use it as an excuse not to change, and to justify what happened. Just because you know the cause behind something that goes wrong doesn’t mean it wasn’t the wrong choice. Just as realizing what the problem is and not doing anything to fix it is simply ensuring that the problem will happen again. And thank you very much, I will try! 🙂


  49. HI Lauren, thanks for liking my post. Will take a look at your post when I get time. cheers


  50. Thank you Laurenc for liking my post. I read some of your posts too, they are simply awesome. Keep going and motivate people like me. Cheers 🙂


    • Thank you so much! I really love your idea about your perfect day. When I used to counsel (and even with my friends) I would ask the question, “if you woke up one morning and your life was perfect, what would your life look like?” People couldn’t win the lottery or inherit money, they had to figure out what was really important and would truly want to do with their time. It was always a very productive exercise.


  51. Hi Lauren, thanks for dropping by and like my post of 77 Floors of Stories 🙂


  52. thanks for reading and liking! I’m enjoying getting to know your blog persona 🙂


    This is to give you proper SHOUT-OUTS!!!
    you’ve been nominated you for a Blog award:
    “the versatile blogger award”
    Please visit my page: http://jamiesesthetics.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/its-an-honor-and-much-appreciation-big-thank-you-to-everyone-that-has-read-this-blog/
    for further details!


  54. Well done. I am a psychologist and as a friend of mine once said, “Psychology is common sense made hard.”

    Judith Zinis


  55. Thank you for the like on my blog post!


  56. Hi hi! Greetings from Philippines! Thanks for reading my short story 🙂 Appreciate it!


  57. I’m glad you liked the Don Quixote post, Lauren. As writers we always seem to be tilting at windmills. 🙂


  58. I just downloaded your book and am looking forward to reading it! Thanks to The Last Song I Heard, for making me aware! ♥


  59. Thanks for liking my blog. Very nice site, and good inspiration for me.


  60. youhavemyword

    Thanks for stopping by You have my word! Love what you’ve got here 🙂


  61. Thanks for stopping by “Unwalled” and liking my post “Another Birthday”……congratulations on your book……all the best as an author and a mom!……Blessings!…Kim


  62. Glad you liked my latest post, Migraine. As a person who blogs about varied things against all advice regarding blogging, it fascinates me as to what individuals find of interest. Received a lot of responses to this one and am surprised. Juliana


    • 🙂 Isn’t it interesting when stuff like that happens! One of my most popular posts is one that I wrote in a rush out of frustration, and everyone seemed to like it! Keep writing!


      • I will keep writing. One of the reasons I decided to blog is to make myself write. I have had one book published and some articles and was a finalist in a flash fiction contest so decided I should do something to motivate me. Blogging has really worked for that. Now I would like to figure out how to meet more bloggers from other countries.


      • That is awesome!! Go you! 🙂 I have met lots of people from lots of countries on here, which was really unexpected… though I’m not sure how!


  63. Thanks for stopping by and for your inspiration!
    Much joy,


  64. Thank you for stopping by, have you succeeded with any DIY projects lately?


  65. Hi, thank you for liking my blog!


  66. Thanks very much for liking my post on “A Life Examined”! I’m following your blog – and wish you the best of luck with your writing 🙂


  67. Thanks for reading my blog post!
    Nice to know someone with two psychology degrees approves of my young naive thoughts. 🙂


  68. Hi Lauren,
    I find you inspiring so I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award 🙂 have a beautiful day!

    Beauty in words


  69. You are truly wise in all respects, Lauren. I’m glad enough to know that, you have a number of honors in Psychology related studies. Hoping for mind blowing and resolute thoughts from you. 🙂
    I’ll follow you for sure. Keep posting and stay in touch. Have a great day ahead. Cheers.\m/ 🙂


  70. tangerinedey

    Hi Lauren. Thanks for liking my post I added from 2007.
    I like your blog and really enjoyed your self-motivation piece. I’m looking forward to reading more. ~Tanga 🙂


  71. Hello! Just a little note to thank you for stopping by my blog this week. I’m new at this, and it’s great to see that people read what I post (yay!). I love the flow of your writing and I look forward to reading more. Thanks!


  72. I love your blog and that you were finally able to write and publish your book. I am in the midst of writing mine now. Thank you for visiting my blog Whimsically Yours and liking my post Drunk on Writing, http://patricecaldwell.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/358/


  73. Lauren, hello and a heartfelt thank you for ‘liking’ my recent post. I’ve only had a couple of minutes this morning to read through your posts, but having read one (self-motivation!) I was eager for more – which says a lot about your writing. It draws you in. Looking forwardto more.


  74. Thanks for visiting my blog “Eyes to Heart” and liking my post “Horse Play.” I appreciate your support. … Be well, Dorothy 🙂


  75. Hi! Thanks for liking me! I just made my blog about 10 minutes ago so it means a lot to me. Also it is nice to know someone likes my art. This is my first attempt at putting out my art for the world to see so I appreciate it a lot!


  76. thanks for visiting my very small blog 😉 yours looks pretty awesome and i will check out your book for sure! with love x


  77. Thanks for Liking my post! 🙂


  78. You’ve got another award 😀 I’ve nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award – thank you for all your comments and support over the past couple of months. It truly means a lot to me.



  79. livingecstasy

    Hi! Hope your day went well. Sorry we shall not be able to continue our discussion today. I am on a tight one.
    Please note: due to a recent site re-construction process, http://www.divinewright.wordpress.com is now http://www.livingecstasy.wordpress.com. Please do make any necessary changes.
    Hope we talk more tomorrow. Do have a good night.


  80. divinewright

    You don’t need to apologize at all.
    If there re such programmes around, they are probably not so easily known; and so I’m not aware of such. I guess we will talk further via twitter messaging. I am sincerely curious about that programme you have in mind.


  81. divinewright

    Well, the system I am in does not award MD. But I have my MB;BS (Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery) degree!


    • Oh okay. That’s so awesome! I had a friend who was in the Peace Corps in Kenya, but he visited Nigeria and loved it. We considered trying to figure out how to create a program based on helping teenage mothers to creating a self-sustaining career through integrating psychological well-being and career skills so that there was stability in their lives. He worked in a program that did something similar to that, but fell a little short. Are there any programs like that in Nigeria? Do you think something like that would work?? Sorry for being so inquisitive! 🙂


  82. Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking our post. Much appreciated! 🙂


  83. Hey there. Thanks for the “like” on one of my posts. Nice site here.


  84. Thanks for liking my blog today. I’ll be visiting yours often!


  85. divinewright

    Your About page is one of the most interesting for the few words it contains! I am a medical doctor, planning to specialize in Psychiatry.
    I write for REAL FUN!
    And thanks for liking my post!


  86. Awesome!!! All I have to say!!


  87. Sunny Lane, A story about two cousins..

    I was a foster child and now a filmmaker and a mother:) I love meeting other women that have filled their lives with art, children, education, and most of all that share what they know and what they have learned. I look foward to reading more of your blogs. Thank you for coming over to mine, I appreciate it. The stories I have are from true journals I had as a child while my cousin and I tried to escape the foster care system. It means a lot that you came by as I am new to this blog world and I am trying to relate, inspire, and bring awareness!


    • You have a very compelling story.. I appreciate your honesty in sharing it. I wasn’t certain if it was true or not. I’m so glad you’ve found a way to overcome and are working to inspire others.


      • Sunny Lane, A story about two cousins..

        Hi, Thank you so much! Yes this is a true story. My cousin and I were put in foster care at 7 years old. We had a journal that we sent back and forth to each other because they separated us. I also recently wrote my story into a screenplay and I am working on financing that now. It is all true, very very true and I can’t wait to put it on screen. Our abused children have been silent for too long. I definitely hope to inspire and relate to our kids, nothing is more lonely than not having others to relate to as a kid. xoxo, Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it!


      • I have a friend who is a foster mom. She just went to a convention where they spoke with the state about the state of our foster care system, which is in complete shambles in MS. It’s heartbreaking. And unfortunately the state had no answers for how they planned to improve anything, despite having been told by the federal government to fix it by 2 years ago. Nothing’s been done, and those children suffer through it. My friend has one of the biggest heart’s out there, and I’m so glad she has opted to take in children who would otherwise probably end up in circumstances just as terrible as those they were pulled from. I really appreciate that you are sharing the story and shedding light on an issue that is truly overlooked today. I wish you the best of luck, and if I win the lottery, I’ll help you out 🙂


      • Sunny Lane, A story about two cousins..

        Your friend sounds amazing, it’s not easy being a good foster parent, it’s heart wrenching and you feel locked in getting things changed. I commend her and others for trying and I hope for them to continue along with others!…Thank you for your kind words….I would say if you did win the lottery, I wouldn’t turn you down…haha”) A lot of my friends that are filmmakers always put in a lump sum when it gets high and they talk and dream of it happening for them…!


  88. I liked your about page very much, Lauren. Thank you for visiting my blog. I put a link to your blog on my fb page as someone to check out because you are. I have a daughter named Lauren by the way. 🙂


  89. andriayiasmin

    Thank you for liking one of my posts. I’m always super-excited even with the slightest like:) And it sure feels amazing that one like to be from a published writer!
    I love your site:) I can’t wait to read more of it.


  90. Hi Lauren! Thanks so much for the like. I’m enjoying your blog a great deal…you’ve got a great heart.


  91. That’s great you have a degree in psychology, currently I’m a student in that subject. Still trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with it. lol


    • Ha! I can definitely relate to that!! I’ve spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out what to do with mine as well. So I just kept on getting more degrees…. we shall see where I end up! Good luck 🙂


  92. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post. Checked out some of your blog and really like it, so I decided to start following it. Looking forward to more posts. Got to admit that your books very intriguing, too. I’ll have to read it someday.


  93. Dear Lauren, I look forward to reading your book. I enjoy your style of writing – I like your openess, honesty and sense of humour. Much Life, Juliette


  94. Thanks so much for the like on my post. Hope you make some Tomatillo sauce soon! 🙂


  95. Thanks very much for the like! I prayed that a few people would find the post fun. 😉


  96. Hi Lauren. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good luck with yours…it’s a great outlet.


  97. http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com
    Hi I appreciate your liking my post Left Untouched. Feel free to stop by my blog anytime. I will surely visit yours from time to time. Betty


  98. Hi I appreciate your liking my post, Left Untouched. feel free to stop by anytime and comment if you like. God Bless. Betty


  99. Thanks for liking my post about Molly. I will check your blog out as well.


  100. splendidly awesome to meet you…very interesting blog here…we have quite the same goal in common. 😉


  101. hello, i look forward to following, sorry for what you’ve been through. just for the record, i love to bust a move too! 😉


  102. Hi! Great blog! I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post… Have a great day!


  103. I started reading portions of blogs to get a handle on your work. You’re obviously an introspective person. And have gone through some kind of trauma in your life. I have almost been free of such trauma. Minor things that don’t amount to more than embarrassment. Good luck to you.


  104. I love your blog! I have sent you a very inspiring blogger” award. If you decide to accept it please go to my site and copy and paste then follow the rules to nominate your favorite bloggers. Congratulations!


  105. Thanks for coming round to my blog. And for your like.
    Your writing is good and I enjoyed your blog immensely. Wondering if you had any feedback on mine? Some constructive criticism maybe, who knows?


  106. Thank you for stopping by our blog and liking a post. Appreciate it. 🙂 Looking forward to a tour of your blog! 🙂


  107. HI
    Thanks for visitng and liking my blog – and good luck with the writing!


  108. Thanks for stopping by on my blog. You seem a nice person. All the best with your writing.


  109. Ca-reoke! Very nice. Thanks for reading my post. I appreciate it!


  110. Hi! Thanks for the like on my blog, Snide Reply. So great to see a blog devoted to self-worth. Thanks!


  111. Thanks for stopping by. Lets me know people are actually reading something I write!


  112. 3 degrees in Psycho! 🙂
    Lord, have mercy!


  113. Thanks for stopping by. I bought your book today. I haven’t finished it yet but I like what I have read thus far. Congratulations to you for pushing through when it seemed impossible. Blessings to you and your son.


  114. Hello Lauren,
    Glad you like my last blog post because it allowed me to discover your own blog! I appreciate the positivity and no non sense positive attitude that resonates through it. Will try to read your book next. For now, I am subscribing to your blog 🙂
    And by the way, your little one is really cute.
    Very Best,



  115. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post! Enjoyed yours as well and I will be back!


  116. Lauren, thank you for liking my blog post because then I got to discover yours. I so love people putting positive things out there!


  117. Thanks for stopping by and for the like.


  118. Hi, Lauren! I discovered your blog when you liked one of my own posts. I came to check yours out and ended up spending the last several days reading your entire blog! I have enjoyed reading it so much. Keep up the great writing! 🙂


  119. G’day Lauren, your review is here, http://alastairfk13.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/review-of-between-fear-and-love-self-worth-the-ties-that-bind/
    Loved the book, it’s a keeper. Thank you for writing it, it’s ticked a few boxes for me. Let me know where else you want it posted. i posted on Amazon (UK) and Goodreads as well as here. Email at alastair.rosie@gmail.com if you have any other suggestions?
    Cheers, Alastair


  120. I have nominated you for One Beautiful Blogger Award. Please visit http://colourtheday.wordpress.com/awardsinspiration/ to see what to do. 🙂


  121. I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for the like on my blog!


  122. Hey this looks like a really interesting blog! I am fascinated by psychology and wrote my Music degree and Masters on the psychology of music. At some point I would like to get a degree in, or partly in, the subject in preparation for a Ph.d one day. Who knows?! For now, I’m too busy writing and doing another masters in a different subject completely! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and glad you visited my site too. I hope you liked it! Ken


  123. Hi Lauren! I got to your blog through someone else’s and I really like what you write! 🙂 I’m gonna follow you and I look forward to reading more of your stuff 🙂
    P.S. I sing too! (My Mom just leaves the room whenever I do that). But, yeah, I sing too 😛


    • Thank you so much! I appreciate that. My mom always left the room… most people do. But my son stays and sings, so that makes me happy! Ha, he’ll leave when he gets older too I’m sure!


  124. Thanks for visiting my blog and signing like. 🙂


  125. We think you’re brave and courageous so we wanted to nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award (http://twocatsviews.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/award/). Keep on writing!


  126. Hi Lauren, I’ve nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger Award. Diane Details at http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/illuminating/.


  127. I have nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award, please check the post here http://notesflow.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/one-lovely-blog-award/


  128. Congratulations on reaching so many hearts with your blog and your newly published book. I look forward to reading it. And thank you for the liking a post on my own blog musings 😉


  129. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. 🙂 Renee


  130. Hey !
    Thank you so much for liking a post on my blog 🙂


  131. Hi, glad you liked my snippet of an ongoing ‘conversation’, hope you continue with it. Good luck with your own writing, and your adventures with Jack. Stay positive, even when he turns teenage and starts complaining about the way you walk, or talk, or dress, or otherwise embarrass him in front of his pals.


  132. sweethoneytree

    Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for stopping by on Sweet Honey Tree.
    Liking yours so far. All the best x


  133. Thank you for visiting my blog, I poked around on yours a little and truly like what I see. Congratulations on your book! I am in the final stages of my memoirs and can’t wait to finish. It’s been a long project. Come visit again soon!


    • I certainly will be back to visit! Thank you for stopping by here! 🙂 And good luck with your memoirs! How exciting! It’s really an interesting process writing down those things that are inside of us.


  134. Thanks for liking my post ^^
    Your blog seems to have a pretty high awesomeness-factor! 😉


  135. Thanks for dropping by and liking my post! Love what you’ve done here…. going to spend a little time clicking away. 🙂


  136. thanks for the like! I’m checking your blog out as we type! 🙂


  137. Hi Lauren, thank you for dropping by my blog and liking my poem ‘Top Tips of 10’, wishing you a lovely day. Clarabelle


  138. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Nice writing! 🙂 2.5 degrees in psychology?? WOW! More on that topic please…


  139. short, sweet and to the point – but tells a lot – nice “about”


  140. HI Lauren,
    Thanks for following my blog! Loving yours so far!


  141. Thank you for visiting my blog! I’m going to check yours out too! Have a great day!


  142. Thanks for the stopover 🙂 I’ll check out your blog when I have time next week!


  143. Thanks for taking a look at my page!


  144. Hi, Lauren 🙂

    So nice to know you here!
    thanks for visiting my baby blog, hope you like it 🙂



  145. Hiya Lauren, just a quick message to say i have nominated you for the one lovely blog award 🙂 details are on my blog.


  146. I just popped in to thank you for liking my recent blog posts. I always get a kick out of it.

    Thank you! 🙂


  147. I didn’t know you wrote a book! I have one already published, but I can’t share what it is because it is under my real name. This name is a pen name because of the content of my upcoming trilogy–Martyrdom Series; Soul Deceiver, Soul Collector, and Soul Savior. I found a good agent who publishes best selling novels…I was so excited! Between that and that agents can get you contracts with just about anyone, you get double advertising. I’ll get to travel and everything! I’m so excited. But, I’m more excited by spreading the message contained in the books–Repentance, Humility, Salvation.

    I made a post last night, and inclued an excerpt from my upcoming Martyrdom Series trilogy, the second book in the series, Soul Collector. The main character from the first book, Soul Deceiver, is quite evil in the first book, and has become united with the new world religion called Unity. In the second book, he is brought to his knees by YHWH (God) and becomes the Moses of the Tribulation Period..standing in the face of the false prophet saying, “Let My people go!” In pursuit of the release of the remnant (the 144,000)…for Lucifer to spirituall release the Jewish nation from their strongholds of unbelief so that they will find Christ, thus rising up and through them, a revival of millions. Anyhow, in this clip from my book, Khalid and Krista, the two main characters, are spiritually taken in a dream together to witness several events from the Bible..the healing of the leper, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the stoning of Stephen. After all of this, they journey through hell and stand before the prideful Lucifer, defeating him in his own kingdom (which is not in hell…because Lucifer is not presently in hell, but shall be). Regardless, the excerpt I included here is from one of their journeys…where they witness the crucifixion of Jesus. I think it serves as a realistic reminder of the great suffereing Jesus went through for us, and how if we were to truly pick up our crosses and carry them on our backs, our lives would in the interim be less complicated. Let me know what you think! And God bless you!

    The first one will probably be out sometime this year, so I’ll keep you informed. What publishing company did you use, by the way?


  148. Thanks so much for liking my blog post! (:


  149. voluntaryfiber

    betweenfearandlove, I nominated you for a “One Lovely Blog” award today! To accept and see why, etc., please see my post from today at http://voluntaryfiber.wordpress.com/ For a version of the award logo that doesn’t look like it’s by Graphics Without Borders, please see http://healingforthenation.com/2012/06/16/one-lovely-blogger-award/


  150. Hi Lauren
    Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to like my blogs
    Much Love and Happiness Trevor


  151. Hi, thanks for checking out my blog 🙂 I’ve literally so far only looked at a few of your posts, and you’ve already inspired me! The posts in ‘reasons to laugh’ our lovely, You and your son look so happy and it reminds you of how little most things mean, and how much the few things mean. 🙂


  152. Thank you so much for liking my post and even more thanks for following my blog. Im truly glad that you enjoyed it! 😀
    – Just Smile


  153. Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by The Legion of Door Whores and leaving a like for one of my images, it is appreciated 🙂 If you have time, please drop by my photo blogs http://reflectionsofchina.wordpress.com and http://moreimagesfromme.wordpress.com, I do hope you enjoy what you see there!..You have a really nice site here, certainly worthy of a follow. Regards Mark


  154. Three degree’s! Impressive. I look forward to reading your post.


  155. Thanks for the like and OAK is happy to connect with you.


  156. John Klobucher

    Thank you, Lauren, for liking the Lore. All the best to you and yours.


  157. thanks for your visit Lauren. I am going to start reading your blog as the comments are so positive and heartwarming. Peace


  158. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I look forward to reading yours!


  159. Hi Lauren! Really appreciate you checking out my blog, and I am so glad to have learned about you and your book on this site. Keep up the great work, and can’t wait to hear more from you!



  160. Andrew Brobyn

    Thanks for liking my poem, I felt it was rather uninspired. Check out my older stuff to get a better feel for my writing style.


    • What’s funny is a lot of the things I write that I feel that same way about people seem to like. I will look at the others as well. I can’t write poetry. But I like it!


  161. Lauren, thanks for following my blog- I love your about me section. Funny and straight to the point!


  162. Hey, I nominated you for an award. . .

    I Recieved A Lovely Award


  163. Wandering Voiceless

    Hey, thanks so much for liking “10 Reasons Why I am the Best Mom.” For obvious reasons, I’m very proud! I look forward to following you. :>


  164. Hello, happy to have you like my blog, looking forward to reading your work.


  165. fivereflections

    hello – been following you, but forgot to say hello
    David in Maine USA


  166. Steven L. Campbell

    Thanks for checking out my blog and liking my recent post about Ridgewood. I’m enjoying my visit to your blog and will return soon to read more. I have only one degree and that’s in studio art. I imagine having a psychology degree goes a long way when writing characters, but 3 must take you places in the human psyche I can’t begin to imagine!


    • Technically I have 2.5 degrees in psychology and one in PR. I took those courses so I could take a photography course that you had to be in the program for 🙂 And I think I over-analyze characters too much when I try to write fiction, so I mostly stick to non-fiction. I am wanting to work my way back into fiction though. I used to always write it when I was younger.


  167. Thanks for liking my post! I’m looking forward to exploring your blog. I have 3 degrees, too, and most are in psychology!


  168. Congrats!!! Laurenc129
    I have nominated you for 3 awards or you may have your pick of one. 🙂
    Have a look when you have a moment.

    link below:


  169. hodgepodge4thesoul

    I love your blog, and I’ve nominated you for a blog award. http://hodgepodge4thesoul.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/thank-you-the-blazing-trail/
    Congrats! 😀


  170. Thank you for the liking my blog! Am looking forward to reading and following yours as well!


  171. Like you sound, I am learning how to do this blogging thing. You had visited my blog and left comment and contact. Tonight, I was just looking and I discovered I like your blog writing style, possibly because it is much like I like mine to be. Like writing letters to others about various thoughts, life lessons, and sharing of ideas; much like I understand Thomas Jefferson and John Adams did (as many others also). I will come here often to “listen” to your thoughts and ideas. When I figure out how I would like to invite to link blogs. May you have many blessings in your life and always be willing to share the lessons.


  172. is there a reason for the orange hands?


  173. Thanks for liking my post, “Real Talk”; I always welcome and appreciate readers and feel honored that you would take the time. Congrats to you on turning your writing into something “real” — I truly admire your willingness to go for it.


  174. Glad you liked my post, Lauren. You’re welcome back to “Swords, Specters, & Stuff” any old time. Good luck with your writing.


  175. Thank you for liking my post on The Pope Slept Here. It’s always nice to hear from another author! Enoyed your encouraging stories and will stop back to read more 🙂


  176. Lauren, Nice blog! I can totally relate to a ton of what you have to say! I’ll be checking out your book soon, for sure! Keep bringin’ it! You rock 🙂


  177. Hi Lauren,

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award: http://thejottersjoint.wordpress.com/2012/06/08/accepting-praise-recognition/.



  178. Hi Lauren…you’re going to love the title of the award I’ve nominated you for…it’s the ‘Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award’ Diane…. for explanation and details see http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/a-few-words-about-awards/


  179. Thanks for stopping by the Jotter’s Joint and for following. I write too but not yet “for real”. Congratulations on the book. What an accomplishment. I will check it out.


  180. I nominated you for the Thanks for Writing Award. Please check out my site to accept the award. Congratulations! http://mysoulfulhealing.wordpress.com/2012/06/05/thanks-for-writing/


  181. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award. Your blog has inspired me. If you choose to accept the award, here are the guidelines:

    Versatile Blogger Award


  182. Lauren, I have nominated you for the Readers Appreciation Award because I so enjoy our comments back and forth for our respective blogs…Diane details at http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/2012/06/01/for-a-second-time/


  183. Hi Lauren – thanks for visiting thenewvernacular! Congrats on seeing your book through and I wish you all the luck in this endeavor. And keep singing too – makes my day when I see someone belting a tune at a light!


  184. Thanks for letting us know you like our post. Mom says we’re doing a good job of meeting humans and fur people from all over. Mom likes to write, too. She says your blog is really neat.


  185. Hey Lauren – congrats on getting published! Thanks for visiting Am I Really? I am also a psych grad – where did you go to school? Isn’t it fun to pay back all those loans? I am following you on Twitter. Hope to hear from you soon!


  186. Congratulations on writing your book and getting it published. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post “Where Happiness Hides.” Best wishes on your blogging.


  187. The “About” and the pic seem to say volumes though so brief. Good to see!


  188. Thank you for liking our post. We are having lots of fun finding new humans and fur people around the world. Mom says that since she likes to write, she enjoys reading what others have on their minds. Keep up the good work.


  189. Okay, I realise that you’ve received a number of very well deserved awards… but I wanted to make you the first recipient of my own Regeneration Award… because you really have provided me with some food for thought. You’ve not only gone through a regeneration yourself, but you’ve definitely helped me go through mine.

    Thank you 🙂

    I’ve added your nomination to this page: http://thelastsongiheard.wordpress.com/regenerations/

    I’d like to give you the Regeneration Award in recognition of your efforts to improve yourself and the lives of others. Brilliant! Molto bene! Allons-y!

    Here are the rules:

    Keep calm. Don’t blink. Firstly, you have to thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    You have to state that bow ties are cool. And Fez’s. Welllll… if you don’t like Fez’s, that’s okay.
    Nominate one other blog for this award. Say thank you to that person. Just one person. It’s not a chain letter
    Answer the following questions:
    Who are you?
    Are you happy?
    If you could change just one thing about yourself, right now, to make your life better, what would it be?
    Who, or what, inspires you?


    • Thank you, that’s very kind! I will try to figure out how to post it! 🙂


      • Here’s how it usually works… you can either do this as a reply to the nomination here or as a separate post…

        Most people write a new post and include the graphic, but it’s personal preference. They just write something to the effect that they’ve been nominated for the award, answer the questions and then they copy and paste the rules into their post and name their nominee.

        They then go to their nominee’s website, post a comment to say they’ve nominated them for an award, copy and paste the award text and rules and, lastly, provide a link back to the post where you nominated them..

        Hope this helps…


  190. I do so enjoy your writing and interaction and have nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers Award…Diane details at http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/posts/


  191. I have nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blog Award because your blog inspires me!
    If you choose to accept this award, here are the requirements:

    1. Display the award logo somewhere on the blog.

    (image: http://patticlark.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/very-inspiring-blogger-award/)

    2. Link back to the blog of the person who nominated you.

    3. State seven things about yourself.

    4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.

    5. Notify those bloggers that they have been nominated and of the award’s requirements.


  192. Hi…I received an award and have nominated you for it also…I enjoy reading your heartfelt blogs…Information is at http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/posts/


  193. LOL Love the description… you made me think about the “three degrees… most in psychology…” – my lightning fast mental powers of deduction quickly deduced that you therefore have (count ’em) TWO degrees in psychology LOL

    I like that. Brilliant LOL

    (Thanks for liking my post, btw)


    • Haha, two and a half are psychology, and one is PR. Which I ended up in because I wanted to take a photography class! And thank you for stopping by! I LOVE music, so I love the concept behind your blog!


  1. Pingback: Thank you for my ‘You have been blessed’ award! | A Selection of Recollections

  2. Pingback: Illuminating! « hometogo232

  3. Pingback: Thank you~ « Angry Man's Rants

  4. Pingback: A Few Words About Awards « hometogo232

  5. Pingback: For a Second Time « hometogo232

  6. Pingback: Truly Overwhelmed ! | hometogo232

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