Day 14 – Beautiful days and Invisibility Cloaks!


Today I’m thankful for this beautiful day. It’s truly stunning outside, even if it’s a little chilly for my taste. But I woke up really excited today to have the chance to wake up. I feel good and purposeful, which isn’t always the case, but is the way I try to make it. I like the thankfulness exercise, because it really is good to remember to be thankful for even the tiniest of things we have. And it creates a foundation of gratitude instead of a foundation of “I need.” And we all have so many things we do need to do every day and in our futures that the need can get to be overwhelming. And need is something that easily becomes skewed and lost in our quest to attend to need. It has a way of making us feel helpless while gratitude has a way of making us feel helpful. It reminds us that we have things, even tiny things that allow us the chance to move forward. We have the chance to grow and create and be who we are, and we are all someone with something to offer. Every day, even if we aren’t where we want to be, we have something to offer that can make both our day and someone else’s day a little bit brighter and bring us closer to who and where we want to be.



As a side note, I’m again thankful (but a little scared by) technology. Did you guys see this?  This is a link to an article talking about how Duke University has created and “invisibility cloak.” You know, like in Harry Potter. Where they were able to effectively make a cylinder invisible by bending light around an object and doing, you know, other things that required mathematical formulas for mirroring light waves and working out copper’s reflective characteristics that we all hang out and do on a daily basis, so obviously I don’t need to explain any further. Which is good since I don’t really understand any of it. BUT this is really cool, and kind of scary. They made it disappear in a way that produced no reflected light, whereas previously done cloaks were “see through” but you could tell there was an object that you were “seeing through” because of the reflective properties of the cloak set up. Kind of like bubbles, I think? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what they said. Anyhow, you guys should read the article, because it kind of blows my mind that we can make things appear invisible through the use of technology and considering how all of that works what if you could make a whole country invisible? Or what if there are parts of the universe that are really close to Earth that are invisible and we just don’t know it? What if a previous group of Earth’s inhabitants figured this out and they walk around with us, but sometimes we see glimpses of their reflections but it’s too brief to know that’s what it is??  Or you know, what if it’s nothing. Points for the day: This cloak is cool (and not cloak like in the way I thought it would be) check it out. And being thankful is good. And buy my book 🙂

About laurenc129

I'm a mom. Sometimes my hands turn orange. Other times I write. On twitter: @laurenc129

Posted on November 14, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. I actually laughed out loud at the airport at 5:30 AM from “And buy my book”. I just feel like it was nonchalantly tossed in there, like a nudge nudge.


  2. Being ‘thankful’ is alway good — your reminder is timely and true!


  3. Ohhhh, I like the idea of people walking around us, but we can’t see them! ….How exciting would that be? *smiling* Great post! …..Paula x


  4. I saw the news about the cloak… it has some interesting repercussions LOL By the way, if you like things like this, you might also like a book called What If The Earth Had Two Moons? by Neil Comins (

    (BTW, speaking of books, loved your little “buy my book” tag at the end LOL)


  5. Same subject, different university, and a free poem about the whole thing.

    LIGHT YEARS and The New Hole In Space/Time at Cornell University


  6. Great post. Agree it is important to remind ourselves how much we have to be grateful for.


  7. great post. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful.


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